Episode 66: Do You Know That Sheep?
In which Andrew and Mrs. Filholm discuss: Some super exciting tech stuff about audio; tattoos and Star Wars; how we still don’t know what’s going on, and the comedy garden.
Special thanks to Jonah Mancino, who composed the intro/outro music for Half My Age.
Their software is aptly named (Rogue Amoeba and Audio Hijack)
The titular sheep (Shaun the Sheep)
He wears a mask (Adam Savage on YouTube)
You ain’t just pale; you bucket (Buckra)
“I guess I’m supposed to be supportive, right?” (Star Wars Alphabet)
The Star Wars that people don’t like to talk about (Midi-chlorians, courtesy of Wookieepedia)
Gilda Radner raised me (SNL broadcast from home)
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form (Shelter from the Storm)
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