Half My Age

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Episode 75: Virus-Spreading Meat Bags

In which Andrew and Mrs. Filholm discuss: Seeing things through the lens of a pandemic; assessing our friendships; changes in plans and the whole damned world; walking, thinking, being part of the community, and how Mrs. Filholm has been demoted even though she’s Andrew’s actual ride-or-die.


Special thanks to Jonah Mancino, who composed the intro/outro music for Half My Age.

It’s everywhere, and Mrs. Filholm thinks about it all the time. (mechanically engineered earth)

A story of healing through movement (Ghost Rider by Neil Peart)

Bipedalism (Brain evolution, Dementia and whatnot)

Karass, Granfalloon, Duprass (What Kurt Vonnegut teaches us about relationships)

Un-vitation (Requisite Seinfeld pull)

A love song to Andrew’s girl (In My Life)

Leslie Knope’s Unity Quilt (Just one idea for the big event)

To send Andrew and Delany a message that will make them think of you every day, please email hma@slova.app

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Episode 75: Virus-Spreading Meat Bags Andrew Bridges & Lisa Lane Filholm